LLCs that use STS with taxable income can reduce the amount of taxes or advance payments. As a result, they can legally reduce the tax burden on businesses.

- - money;
- - calculation of the received revenue for the quarter (year);
- - calculation of the paid amount of insurance payments.
Step 1
Initially, you need to understand whether the company has the right to a tax reduction under the simplified tax system. To do this, she must apply the STS-6% with the object "income". Under STS “income minus expenses” there is no right to reduce tax payments. These companies may include the amounts paid for insurance and employee benefits as an expense.
Step 2
The legislation provides for the ability of LLC to reduce the amount of tax deductions, including advance payments, for insurance contributions for pension (which are paid to the Pension Fund), social (in the FSS) and medical insurance (in the FFOMS). Under the new rules, the employer also has the right to take into account his expenses for the payment of benefits for temporary disability, as well as for the contributions paid under voluntary insurance contracts.
Step 3
Based on all the income received for the quarter, the LLC determines the taxable base and calculates the payment according to the simplified tax system. To do this, the revenue must be multiplied by the 6% rate. The peculiarity of this tax regime is that expenses are not taken into account.
Step 4
Next, you need to calculate the amount of all insurance payments paid for employees for the quarter. To do this, the payments to the FFOMS, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the FSS are summed up, as well as other deductions, on which the tax can be reduced.
Step 5
Now it is necessary to deduct insurance premiums from the amount of the received advance payment. But it is important to take into account that the tax can be reduced by no more than 50%. For example, the tax payable for the quarter was 150,000 rubles, the amount of payments to off-budget funds for employees for the same period was 200,000 rubles. LLC can reduce the advance payment only by 50% - up to 75,000 rubles. This amount must be transferred to the budget.
Step 6
LLCs that have been operating for more than a year can reduce the STS tax by the amount of losses in previous years. This applies only to LLC on the simplified tax system with the object “income minus expenses”. Also, LLC can take into account the overpayment of taxes, which was revealed during the reconciliation with the tax one.