The simplified tax system is the most popular tax regime among individual entrepreneurs and small businesses. It compares favorably with other regimes in that the accrued tax can be legally reduced by insurance premiums.

Step 1
Every month, the employer is obliged to make contributions to the pension and social insurance of his employees. It is for these amounts that the tax on the simplified tax system can be reduced. These contributions should not be confused with income tax (personal income tax 13%), which the employer transfers at the expense of the employee. In contrast, the employer pays employee insurance premiums out of pocket.
Step 2
To reduce the tax are accepted the sums of contributions to the pension (in general, they amount to 22% of the salary), medical (5.1%), social insurance in connection with illness, maternity and injuries (2.9%). You can also take into account the amount of sickness benefits that were paid to employees at the expense of the employer. Finally, the last category of expenses for which the payment is reduced is voluntary insurance contributions for employees.
Step 3
In order for a company or individual entrepreneur to have the opportunity to reduce the tax, all insurance premiums must be paid in the billing period. It can be a quarter if advance payments are made, or a year if an annual flat tax is paid. If, for example, insurance premiums for March were paid in April, then it is impossible to reduce the advance on the single tax for the first quarter.
Step 4
In this case, the advance payment (tax) cannot be reduced by more than 50%. Those. even if the amount of tax payable is less than the total amount of contributions paid, then half of the assessed tax will still have to be paid. For example, the single tax of the simplified tax system amounted to 150 thousand rubles, contributions to extra-budgetary funds - 300 thousand rubles. The tax can be reduced only by 50%, up to 75 thousand rubles.
Step 5
Individual entrepreneurs who do not have hired employees have unlimited opportunities to reduce taxes. Such entrepreneurs can reduce the calculated tax of the simplified tax system or the advance payment by 100% on the paid insurance premiums in a fixed amount. This means that if the tax is greater than the deduction, the difference will need to be paid to the tax office, and if it is less, then you do not need to pay anything. For the first quarter, the tax can be reduced only for payments paid for oneself in the amount of 1/4 of the established amount, for the second - in the amount of 1/2 of the amount, for the third - 3/4 of the amount and, finally, the entire amount for the year. In 2014, the amount of fixed contributions to the PFR will amount to 20,727.53 rubles. At the same time, if an entrepreneur pays voluntary contributions to the Social Insurance Fund or the Pension Fund, he will not be able to take these payments into account.