Some organizations use an increase in working hours in their work. According to the Labor Code, such work is called overtime. Accordingly, it is paid in a non-standard way.

Step 1
Overtime work should be paid much higher than regular work. So, for example, the Labor Code states that the minimum wage for work in excess of the norm should be calculated as follows: for the first 2 hours, wages are charged that exceed wages by 1.5 times, for subsequent hours - 2 times.
Step 2
It should be noted that regulatory enactments do not provide for such a question: these minimum rates are calculated from the salary or the full amount of wages. Based on this, when drawing up a contract, this situation should be determined so that no controversial situations arise with employees.
Step 3
Overtime pay can be calculated in two ways. One provides for the calculation based on the hourly tariff rate, the second - the monthly tariff rate.
Step 4
For example, engineer Ivanov in July 2011 worked the prescribed 160 hours. The hourly wage rate for this employee is 84 rubles. It is known that on July 11, due to production needs, he worked overtime for 2 hours, and on July 18 - 5 hours. Overtime pay will be calculated as follows:
July 11.
84 * 1.5 * 2 hours = 252 rubles
July 18.
84 * 1.5 * 2 hours = 252 rubles
84 * 2 * 3 hours = 504 rubles
252 + 504 = 756 rubles Thus, for overtime hours in July, Ivanov will be paid:
756 + 252 = 1008 rubles.
Step 5
If Ivanov's monthly salary is 16,000 rubles, the average hourly earnings are first calculated:
16000/160 hours = 100 rubles (per hour) on July 11 for overtime hours, he will receive:
100 * 1.5 * 2 = 300 rubles
July 18:
100 * 1.5 * 2 = 300 rubles
100 * 2 * 3 = 600 rubles
300 + 600 = 900 rubles. Thus, for the hours worked out, Ivanov is entitled to: 300 + 900 = 1100 rubles.