Overtime is considered to be work in excess of the norm established by the labor code of the Russian Federation. The established working time is 40 hours per week. Overtime work can be done with the written consent of the employee. The employer is obliged to issue an order for this employee to work in excess of the established working hours. The written consent of the employee is not required in the event of emergencies at the enterprise listed in article 99, part 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, the employer has the right to engage in work without consent.

Step 1
Pregnant women cannot be involved in overtime work; women with children under three years of age; single mothers or fathers with children under five; minor employees; persons who, for health reasons, have documentary confirmation from a doctor; employees caring for elderly relatives or disabled children. These categories of citizens cannot be involved in overtime work even in the event of emergencies, emergencies, man-made and natural disasters. Involvement in overtime work in case of emergencies is possible only with the written consent of these categories of employees.
Step 2
Employees with whom an employment contract for irregular working hours has been concluded cannot qualify for overtime payment.
Step 3
Overtime is always work that is initiated by the employer. Employees who work overtime on their own initiative are not paid overtime.
Step 4
Labor law restricts the number of hours employees are required to work overtime. It is not allowed to attract employees to work in excess of the norm for more than two days in a row for 4 hours and more than 120 hours per year.
Step 5
Overtime work is paid double or an extra day off is granted. It is up to the employee how to pay for overtime work.
Step 6
With a 5-day work week with two days off, overtime will be considered work over 40 hours per week.
Step 7
For employees who keep a cumulative record of working hours, overtime hours are considered overtime hours, taking into account working hours in a given month, according to the norm of labor legislation.
Step 8
Processing times are noted on the timesheet. For the calculation, the total amount of hours worked by this employee during the billing period is summed up, the amount of working time provided for by labor legislation in this working month is subtracted. The amount of time actually worked is subtracted from the amount of time that is provided for this working month. The remaining figure will be overtime hours. They must be paid in double or single with an additional day off. To pay for overtime hours, the employee's wage rate is taken or the average amount of payment for one hour of work in a given month is calculated.