According to article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of working hours per week cannot be more than that established by law, that is, 40. All hours worked in excess of this norm are considered overtime and are payable double if the employee has not expressed a desire to receive additional days recreation.

- - timesheet;
- - calculator or program "1C".
Step 1
To calculate the salary for processing, follow the instructions of article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Calculate overtime hours based on the difference between the actual hours worked and the hours that must be worked during the billing period in accordance with labor laws. If the employee's employment contract indicates that the working day is irregular, then according to Article 119 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the hours of processing are not subject to payment, since additional leave is paid with the irregular working day.
Step 2
To pay for overtime, calculate the cost of one hour of the employee's work in the billing period. To do this, divide the salary by the number of working hours in the billing period and multiply by the number of hours worked and by two. In case of salary, add the received amount to the salary, add the bonus and the regional coefficient, subtract 13% and the advance paid. The end result will be the salary for the current month.
Step 3
If an employee expressed a written desire to receive an additional day off instead of double payment, then calculate all overtime hours in a single amount. If the employee receives a salary, then calculate the cost of one hour of work in the specified way, multiply by the processed hours, add to the salary, add the regional coefficient and bonus, subtract the income tax and the paid part of the salary in advance.
Step 4
If an employee receives an hourly wage rate, then the calculation is even simpler. Multiply the tariff rate for the recycled hours, separately calculate the payment for the set hours of work in the billing period, add the regional coefficient, the premium and subtract the advance.
Step 5
Do not forget that you can involve employees in processing only with their written consent. Only in emergency and emergency situations, work in excess of the norm can be carried out without the consent of the workers. You cannot get more than 120 hours of overtime per year and 4 hours in two days.