Translated from English, the foreign word "manager" means "manager". The main task of a manager is clear from the name itself - it is leadership, management of the production process or the provision of services. But what exactly are the responsibilities of a manager?

- - set goals;
- - organize work;
- - motivate employees;
- - control the progress of work.
Step 1
Goal setting and planning. Any activity begins with setting goals - at least ideally. The task of the manager is to correctly choose the goals of the company, that is, to determine the result to achieve which the work of the unit entrusted to him will be directed. When the goals are determined, it remains to understand what needs to be done to achieve them. At the stage of goal-setting and planning, the manager must answer three questions: “Where is the company now in its development? How is the company going to develop in the future? What steps should be taken for this?"
Step 2
Organizational activities. To achieve the set goals, all the elements that make up the production process must be combined into a specific structure. This is the function of a manager as an organizer - he must streamline the activities of his subordinates, ensure their well-coordinated interaction, direct the efforts of all employees to achieve the set goal.
Step 3
Staff motivation. In order for the activities of all people, on whom the implementation of the company's plans depends, to be effective, employees must be motivated. The task of the manager is to create an incentive for subordinates to work productively to achieve a result. This urge, in turn, arises from the internal needs of each individual person. The manager must figure out what his subordinates need and motivate them by meeting those needs. The main motivating factor, of course, is the material remuneration of the staff, but this is by no means the only way to stimulate employees. So, the famous American entrepreneur Jack Welch argued that the real source of productivity, which allows you to multiply the efficiency of work, is the emotional involvement of employees in the activities of the organization.
Step 4
Assessment and control. The duty of a manager is to establish clear criteria for assessing the quality of work performed by employees, as well as to determine how effective the activities of each of his subordinates are. In addition, the manager determines whether the company (or its separate structure) has deviated from the planned course of development, and, if necessary, adjust the activities of the personnel. In some cases, the originally set goals are also subject to adjustment: if the task turned out to be impossible, the manager must replace the goals with more realistic ones.