For a very long time, the job of a manager was to hand out assignments, monitor their implementation, and hold employees accountable for their failure. Currently, the situation has changed dramatically, and in order to get the maximum result, a partnership between the manager and the employee is necessary.

Classic managerial functions
The main function of the head is planning. It is important for a manager to understand the purpose of his work, his department, what results he wants to achieve, and how to achieve this.
Organization is an equally important function that must be performed by a leader. It includes the development of the structure of the enterprise, drawing up business plans, providing the company with the necessary resources (workers, materials, raw materials).
Motivation - this function of the manager includes the distribution of responsibilities, motivation of staff to work.
The next function of the leader is coordination. It includes the interconnection of all parts of the organization through the establishment of various communications between them. These include all sorts of reports, meetings, the movement of documents, the establishment of computer communications.
Control is necessary to ensure that the plan is carried out. With the help of this function, the manager can evaluate the results, draw conclusions about what should not be done in the future or done differently, why there have been deviations from the planned indicators.
The classic functions are still relevant today, they should be known and performed by every leader. But these functions alone are not enough, since there have been significant changes. On the one hand, the people themselves have changed (now they are more confident, they can very easily change jobs, strive for career growth, development), on the other hand, the requirements of managers to their subordinates have changed (they want their employees to give their best, so that the result becomes better with each new day). Therefore, in the modern world, new functions of a leader have appeared.
Modern executive functions
Currently, the selection of suitable personnel, capable of showing only the maximum result, plays an important role.
The manager must create a supportive work environment that encourages the movement of employees up the career ladder, in which the full potential of employees is used to the maximum for the development of the company.
A modern leader should strive for personal growth, self-development, because it is much more interesting, and accordingly longer and more fruitful to work with the leader who has something to learn.
Also, the manager is entrusted with the function of team building and reducing the rate of employee turnover.