The characteristic as a document performs the functions of confirming the personal data of a person, familiarizing with his personal and business qualities, determining the characteristics of character and behavior. Each of the functions manifests itself in a certain way, depending on the place where the characteristic is presented.

The function of the characteristic as a document predetermines its purpose, depending on the place of presentation. So, it can be requested by the employer when applying for a new job, by the guardianship authorities when considering an application for guardianship, by judicial and investigative authorities when carrying out criminal proceedings, by banks when deciding on the provision of a large loan. As a rule, a characteristic is requested from the place of work, study, in some cases, a household characteristic from the place of residence of a particular citizen is required (in this case, they usually turn to the neighbors). The general function of the characteristic is to confirm the personal data of a particular person. Also, in some cases, it serves to familiarize oneself with business, personal qualities, determine the specific characteristics of character, behavior in everyday life, in a team.
Acquaintance with the business qualities of a citizen
This function of the characteristic is manifested when it is provided for employment, in banks, and in part - in the guardianship and trusteeship authorities. The document is usually issued from the place of work (in case of employment - by previous employers), describes the knowledge, skills and abilities of the employee, his labor success and achievements, work experience in a particular field. Such characteristics, as a rule, have a typical structure, therefore, many modern employers replace them with letters of recommendation, which favorably differ in a more free style of presentation. Credit institutions can request a characteristic to determine the position of the applicant for a loan in the company, the attitude of colleagues and management towards him. The guardianship authorities are more interested in the personal and everyday qualities of a citizen, therefore they do not evaluate business qualities as a priority.
Study of personality traits, behavior and lifestyle
This function is performed by the characteristic when requested by state bodies, which are most often the courts and investigative units. In this case, the characteristics of the personality of the suspect, the accused can become an important factor that will positively or negatively affect the severity of the punishment imposed, the chosen measure of restraint. Such a document can be requested not only from the place of work, but also from the place of permanent residence, since the everyday characteristics of a particular person, especially his behavior, lifestyle are also important.