Leader And Leader. What's The Difference Between Them

Leader And Leader. What's The Difference Between Them
Leader And Leader. What's The Difference Between Them

Leader and leader. In the usual, everyday understanding, there is no clear distinction between these two concepts. However, the leader does not always have leadership qualities, and the team may never see a recognized leader in the leader's chair. If both qualities are combined in one person, the work of the team subordinate to him can be very effective.

Leader and leader. What's the difference between them
Leader and leader. What's the difference between them

The head is an official person. As a rule, he is appointed to a position by a superior, controlling organization and is responsible for the work of his subordinates. The leader is the most authoritative member of the team, an unofficial person who is promoted spontaneously.

For a leader, team members are employees, cogs, whose duty is to fulfill the assigned task clearly and on time. The emotional component in the manager-team relationship is minimized. He is a boss who is not interested in establishing good relationships with difficult or uncommunicative people. And they may well be present among his subordinates. Communication takes place according to the principle: "instructed - do it, nothing else is required from you."

For a leader, team members are colleagues. He knows well the strengths and weaknesses of everyone, his desires and needs, knows how to establish normal relations with everyone and builds them on respect. However, he is able, and sometimes even inclined to manipulate colleagues, using their emotions and respect for oneself. A leader can create conflicting feelings in coworkers, from love to hate.

The leader receives the respect of subordinates initially as an attachment to the place occupied on the career ladder. The leader is respected for his personal qualities, although he does not require it.

The manager tries to use old, proven methods and accumulated experience in his work. To achieve the goal, as a rule, the "carrot and stick method" is used, i.e. system of punishments and rewards. The former usually prevails. The leader is open to new perceptions, ready to take risks and be responsible for the decision. He is able to inspire people by personal example and tries to get the maximum contribution from everyone to the common cause.

The leader and the leader of the group can support each other, and this will help to increase the efficiency of the team. But they can also conflict. In this case, the members of their team can only sympathize.
