An office manager, who is also called a secretary or an office administrator, is a rather serious and responsible position. Almost all the work of the enterprise rests on him, although much of what he does goes unnoticed.

Step 1
The office manager performs managerial functions. The office manager is obliged to plan the work of all persons working in a particular company and build the organizational structure of the office. This category of responsibilities also includes managing lower-ranking staff, organizing employee training, planning their careers, and creating a customer communication policy.
Step 2
The administrative category is the next direct responsibility of the office manager. It includes the organization of office work and the development of relations between structural units.
Step 3
The economic authority includes the purchase of the necessary machinery, equipment, components, consumables, as well as guidance on the installation of equipment and monitoring of its operation.
Step 4
The office manager has oversight responsibilities. They mean the audit of the material assets of the enterprise, the timely certification of personnel, the organization of reporting and the implementation of other control materials.
Step 5
Reporting responsibilities include the complete preparation of all documentary reports for higher management. Thus, the management is aware of the affairs taking place in the enterprise, and with the help of this can control the current situation.
Step 6
The main responsibility is also considered to organize and conduct business negotiations. This includes planning business meetings, defining the line of negotiations, organizing the documentation of negotiations and analyzing the results of business meetings.
Step 7
The office manager is required to know not only his work, but also the work of the rest of the team, tracking how this work is progressing, knowledge of strategic planning methods, the basics of ethics and aesthetics, as well as knowledge of the basics of accounting and reporting.
Step 8
The job of an office manager is quite stressful. Therefore, when choosing such or a similar specialty, it is worth analyzing whether this activity will bring satisfaction and joy. But this is important, since a person spends a significant amount of time in the workplace.