Characteristics - an official review of the official, social and work activities of a certain person. There are no regulated rules for writing characteristics. It gives a brief description of the work path, business, moral qualities of labor and social activities. The characteristic is made by a representative of the administration, the head signs and the official seal of the organization is affixed.

Step 1
The characteristic is written on the letterhead of the organization, sheet format A-4. It can be written directly by the boss, HR officer, HR officer, or company administrator.
Step 2
In the title, you must indicate the full details of the organization, contact numbers and the date of the document.
Step 3
In the center of the sheet is the word - characteristic.
Step 4
Next comes the personal data of the employee. Full name, date of birth, education and information about professional development.
Step 5
Characteristics of labor activity. It is necessary to indicate the date of employment, provide information about career growth, about the work results achieved by this specialist. Indicate in what position the person got a job, what promotions took place, about educational institutions that were completed additionally for promotion.
Step 6
To assess the various qualities of the employee. Describe his business qualities, the level of psychological stability, performance, the level of professionalism, describe the received incentives and rewards, awards, as well as penalties applied to this employee. Indicate for what and under what circumstances the employee was awarded and awarded.
Step 7
Describe personal qualities. This can be: communication with the work collective, the general culture of the employee, the ability to get out of difficult and conflict situations, the ability to organize a team and lead work in the right direction.
Step 8
Assess professional competence. Indicate what kind of experience this employee has, what level of professional knowledge, about the ability to self-education, knowledge of regulatory and legal acts, about the ability to perform work on time and on time. About the reliability of this employee, that he is always ready to work beyond the normalized schedule. About diligence and willingness to help colleagues.
Step 9
Describe the general erudition of a person, analytical skills, the ability to organize a team, the ability to maintain business relationships, set goals and objectives, successfully fulfill them, the quality of work performance, indicate the ability to take responsible decisions, and behavior in stressful and non-standard situations.
Step 10
Indicate the attitude of the team to this employee and the attitude of the employee to the team. On the employee's participation in the social life of the team.
Step 11
In conclusion, it is indicated that the characteristics are given for presentation to the court.
Step 12
The characteristic is usually given positive, so as not to aggravate the difficult life situation of a person.