Why You Can't Cut Christmas Trees In The Forest For The New Year

Why You Can't Cut Christmas Trees In The Forest For The New Year
Why You Can't Cut Christmas Trees In The Forest For The New Year

The law prohibits the unauthorized felling of trees for the New Year, since such actions are harmful to the environment. Violators of this rule are brought to administrative responsibility, compensate for the damage caused, and under certain conditions may even be subject to criminal punishment.

Why you can't cut Christmas trees in the forest for the New Year
Why you can't cut Christmas trees in the forest for the New Year

Environmental protection is one of the top priorities of the state. That is why the principle of paid use of natural resources is legally established. In addition, with unauthorized deforestation in places that are not intended for such deforestation, citizens can cause irreparable damage to the nature of certain areas. That is why, even when paying for cutting down the New Year's tree, authorized officials indicate a specific place in which such cutting is allowed. Violation of the procedure for the use of forest plantations leads to the application of various measures of responsibility, as well as to the obligation to compensate for the damage caused.

What is the penalty for cutting down one spruce?

If a citizen illegally chops down one spruce, then an administrative fine may be imposed on him, the amount of which will be 3000-3500 rubles. For officials, the amount of the fine has been increased to a range of 20-30 thousand rubles, and for organizations - up to amounts of 50-150 thousand rubles. It should be noted that the given sizes of fines are applied in the case when mechanical tools (axes, hand saws, etc.) were used for felling. If automated mechanisms were used (for example, a chainsaw), then the amount of fines increases significantly. The negative consequences for the violator are not limited to the payment of the fine, since he will additionally have to compensate for the damage caused. The amount of such compensation depends on the size of the illegally felled spruce, but in most cases it exceeds the designated levels of penalties. In case of refusal from voluntary compensation for damage, an appeal to the court will follow with an appropriate demand.

In what cases will criminal liability follow?

In some cases, illegal felling of spruce on New Year's Eve can lead to real criminal punishment. Such consequences occur if the amount of damage caused to the forest, calculated on the basis of the rates approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is significant. In this case, such damage is recognized as significant if it exceeds five thousand rubles. Already in this situation, a rather severe punishment can be incurred, and the most serious measure of responsibility involves imprisonment for up to one year. The said liability is significantly increased when a large or especially large amount of the damage caused is reached.
