Any educational institution in Russia, regardless of whether it is public or private, must periodically undergo certification. This procedure is carried out at least once every five years and precedes accreditation. In the course of certification, it is determined how the level of education in a given educational institution meets state standards.

- - regulations;
- - license for the right to conduct educational activities;
- - the charter of the educational institution;
- - funds of control tasks;
- - the results of the state final certification of graduates for the last 3 years;
- - funds for certification.
Step 1
An educational institution can initiate certification itself. It is advisable to do this if the next accreditation deadline is approaching. Apply to the governing body that is in charge of your school or university. The application must be submitted before December 1 of the year preceding the attestation. The procedure can also be initiated by a federal or regional education authority.
Step 2
From the body where the application is submitted, it must be transferred to the State Inspectorate for Attestation. Find out if your school is on a plan for next year. The State Inspectorate forms a commission, which may include representatives of the ministry, regional committee, leading specialists of universities, heads of methodological associations and creative pedagogical groups, etc. Find out in which areas the certification will be carried out.
Step 3
Conduct an internal survey at the school. As a rule, a school or higher educational institution prepares for certification and accreditation at the same time. Arrange a commission. It is useful to include not only the heads of the educational institution, but also external experts. An internal review is designed to determine the degree of readiness for an external review.
Step 4
Based on the results of self-examination, draw up an act. It must be submitted to the State Inspectorate no later than a month before the planned certification. In the act, describe how the institution's work complies with the legal framework. Analyze the management structure - whether it complies with the charter, orders of the management, etc. Tell us about the system for training graduates. Determine how the level of training meets state standards. There are only three ratings here: “consistent”, “mostly consistent” and “non-compliant”. If you are giving the last two marks, please indicate the specific points of discrepancy. Rate the quality of graduate training.
Step 5
External certification is carried out within ten days. The commission checks the materials submitted by the educational institution, their compliance with the legislation. She conducts sample surveys. Based on the results of the certification, the commission draws up a certificate. Its content is introduced to the heads of the educational institution and the local department of education management. A certificate with a positive conclusion is one of the grounds for accreditation.