Checks in preschool institutions are quite common. They can be frontal, when the city or regional education committee checks all areas of work. Thematic checks are also frequent. They can be of any topic. Each such check ends with the drawing up of an act.

- - inspection plan;
- - kindergarten upbringing program;
- - methodology for working with children on this topic:
- - data on the state of health of children;
- - long-term and calendar plans for the work of educators;
- - general work plan of the kindergarten:
- - data on the qualifications of the personnel and management of the preschool educational institution:
- - acts of previous inspections;
- - data on diagnostics of children on this topic;
- - data on the preschool institution;
- - notes about your observations during the check;
- - a computer with a text editor.
Step 1
Title the document. It is called the "Act of thematic inspection of a preschool educational institution in such and such a direction." Indicate who carried out the review, its date and subject.
Step 2
The first part of any act is the same for all checks. In it, indicate general information about the kindergarten. This is its name, number, type, postal address, departmental affiliation, working hours (round-the-clock, 12-hour, short-term stay, etc.). Write down how many children should be in the kindergarten according to the plan, how many there really are, the number of groups, whether there are specialized ones among them, which ones and how many. Indicate the number of children on the list in the group that you checked, and how many people were present on the day of the check.
Step 3
In the same part, give information about the personnel. Indicate the level of education, administrative and pedagogical experience of the head and methodologist, the number of educators, the level of their training, where and how they improve their qualifications. Tell separately about the qualifications of the teachers of the groups in which the test took place. If the test is about music education or motor skills development, write if there is a music or physical education leader and what qualifications they have.
Step 4
Describe the objectives of the thematic review. Briefly state the main provisions of the acts of previous inspections. This can be, for example, identified shortcomings, which were given a certain amount of time to eliminate. There can be a check on the results of work, for example, on a new program. This should also be noted. Tell us what changes you have noticed compared to past checks. Tell us in more detail about the plan and methods of verification. What are the dates of observations, interviews and diagnostics? Write down their results.
Step 5
Tell us about the level of development of children in the direction you need. Note their knowledge, skills and abilities and their relevance to the Kindergarten Program. Let us characterize the activities of children in strict accordance with the age characteristics of this group. Indicate how much work in this area affects the general style of behavior of children. When checking the work on the development of speech, note the level of communication, the sound culture of speech, grammatical structure, active and passive vocabulary. If your task is to check the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, tell us about how freely the children dress, use cutlery, clean up after themselves if the teacher does not remind them.
Step 6
Tell us about the methodology of teachers' work. Estimate the schedule for the last three months. Note the relevance of the planning to the Kindergarten Program. Tell us how the plan reflects the skills and abilities that are difficult for children, what attention is paid to their development. Indicate whether the main tasks of the Program in this area are reflected in daily work.
Step 7
Take a special look at scheduling classes. The act should indicate whether their number meets the program requirements. Tell us about the structure, how the topic of your test is reflected in the content of the combined lessons. Note the extent to which teachers comply with the requirements for the design of lesson plans. The title, tasks, demonstration and handout material, course and methodological techniques must be indicated. Tell us about planning work in this area in games and free activities. Draw conclusions by giving an overall assessment of the planning, its novelty and relevance. Give your recommendations. They can indicate what needs to be adjusted and what is recommended for dissemination as best practices.
Step 8
Describe the working conditions of the preschool educational institution. This section includes information on compliance with hygienic requirements in group rooms and on the territory, the presence of halls, specialized offices, lighting, ventilation mode. Here, indicate the presence or absence of games and manuals for work in this area. Note what aids are in the teaching room for using them in the classroom and what is available in the group for the free activity of children. Provide medical data on the state of organs in children that are important for work on the topic of verification. Note how often children are seen by an ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, surgeon or pediatrician, and whether they provide parental counseling.
Step 9
Tell us what the methodological office of a children's educational institution has for the work of educators on a topic of interest to you. Indicate the approximate amount of literature in the library, the presence or absence of your own methodological developments. Tell us if there are visual aids in the kindergarten, how they are systematized, how much they correspond to modern requirements and whether they are convenient to use. Note if work on the topic is reflected in information boards for educators.
Step 10
Give an assessment of the methodical work with educators. Note how the topic is reflected in the general plan of the preschool educational institution. Tell us about the forms of methodological work, whether consultations, lectures, seminars are held, whether teachers have the opportunity to improve their qualifications on courses, etc. Draw general conclusions. Give your recommendations.