Any car accident is stressful for everyone involved. It often happens that, under the influence of emotions and fear, a person loses control over himself and commits rash acts. In such a situation, some drivers leave the accident site, but how long can they hide?

How to find the culprit
If the driver fled from the scene of the accident, then finding him will not be difficult. Security cameras installed along city roads will help to fix the incident. Watching the video footage, the traffic inspector will be able to find out all the necessary data to find a driver. You will have to visit him with the unpleasant news that voluntary deliberate departure from the scene of the accident is punishable by deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one to 1.5 years or imprisonment for 15 days, in accordance with Article 12.27.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation for leaving the scene of an accident.
Witnesses, in particular, the injured driver, will help to determine the location of the escaped participant in the accident. He can tell the car inspector the make, number and signs of the fugitive. Based on this data, it can be easily detected. If the driver left the scene of the accident and is the main culprit in the car accident that occurred, through the fault of which people and cars were injured, then he will be arrested. In cases of involvement of the arrested person in the death of people in an accident, law enforcement agencies have the right to detain him pending trial.
When the car owner can leave the place of an accident
There are exceptional cases when the driver is forced to leave the accident scene:
1. It is necessary to take the person injured in the road accident to the hospital by his own car.
2. After an accident, vehicle drivers find out that there are no victims, and the property has suffered minor damage in an amount not exceeding the limit established by federal law. In this situation, they have the right to leave the scene of the accident in their cars and together get to the nearest traffic police to draw up a protocol.
3. It is necessary to clear the carriageway if the car creates an obstacle to the movement of other vehicles.
In other cases, if an accident has occurred, the driver is obliged to call the police, report the incident and wait at the place of arrival of the traffic police to give the necessary information and testimony.
Sometimes it can be very difficult to manage your emotions and feelings. But the more useful information the injured party to the accident reports about the escaped driver, the higher the likelihood that the culprit of the unpleasant events will be quickly found and punished.