An inspection of the scene of an incident is an operational and investigative measure aimed at detecting, primary research and fixing traces of a committed crime. Inspection of the scene allows us to draw a conclusion about the mechanism of the crime and, in general, form a picture of what happened. A well-conducted inspection of the scene will ensure the successful conduct of further investigation of the criminal case.

Step 1
The Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation states that the protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident must be drawn up directly in the process of the inspection or immediately after its completion and signed by all persons participating in it (the investigator, attesting witnesses, experts, operational officers, etc.). The protocol must be drawn up in writing. It may be accompanied by video recordings, photographs, sound recordings and other means of fixation obtained during the inspection.
Step 2
The protocol of the inspection of the scene of the incident can be conditionally divided into introductory, descriptive and concluding parts. In the introductory part of the protocol, indicate the place, date and exact time of its conduct, the position and surname of the investigator, the data of all other participants in the examination (attesting witnesses, experts, etc.), the basis for its conduct (for example, reporting a crime), weather conditions at the time its implementation and lighting conditions. After that, make notes in the minutes about the explanation of the rights to the attesting witnesses and the expert - they must certify this fact with their signatures.
Step 3
The following is the main part of the protocol, in which fully and objectively, but without unnecessary detail, avoiding ambiguous expressions, reflect the entire course of this event and briefly describe the evidence found. The description should give a sufficient representation of the setting so that it can be completely recreated if necessary. Record all actions performed during the inspection in the sequence in which they were performed. Be sure to indicate the fact of the use of technical means (if they were used) and the method of fixing and packaging material evidence.
Step 4
In the final part of the inspection protocol, record the time of its completion, once again list separately all the seized material evidence and attachments to the protocol (diagrams, fingerprints, prints of traces, etc.), make statements and comments (if any) from the persons involved on about the preparation of the protocol and the inspection. After that, the protocol must be signed by all persons who participated in its implementation.