To cite a part of the protocol in office work, a document form is used that allows you to present a certified decision on a specific issue. At the same time, avoiding the need to present the full version of the protocol, since, in fact, it is an internal document. An extract from the minutes makes it possible to maintain confidentiality on the rest of the issues considered during the meeting. There is no unified form for such a document. And yet it should be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of office work regulations.

Step 1
Start drawing up the extract with the title of the documents "Extract from the minutes of the meeting …". Next, copy the introductory part of the protocol containing the full details specified in the original. The date and place of the meeting, the number of those present, etc. should be indicated here.
Step 2
From the general agenda of the main document, quote in the extract the specific item related to the issue under discussion. In this case, be sure to indicate its serial number according to the location in the minutes of the meeting.
Step 3
Draw up the main part of the extract from the protocol by copying the fragment of the text in which the desired topic is considered. Here use the paragraphs from the "Listened" section, the discussion of the issue and "Decided". Indicate the positions, surnames and initials of the persons who signed the protocol.
Step 4
Certify the drawn up document. To do this, the secretary or other authorized for such actions, an official (personnel department, etc.) must personally write "Correct", sign, decipher the signature (surname, initials), indicate the position held and put the date. To provide an extract to third-party organizations, the document is certified by the company's seal and the signature of the head.