An extract from the order is a certain fragment of the text of the order, prepared at the request of an employee or at the request of a higher organization. It is drawn up in the event that the document is very voluminous, and the necessary information for the extract takes only a small part of it, or for reasons of confidentiality.

Step 1
It is necessary to fully reproduce the details of the order form (name of the organization, numbers and dates of the original order, title to the text, place of publication, the necessary fragment of the order text). The type of document "Order" is changed to "Extract from the order". The date of the order and the registration number in the statement are not changed.
Step 2
If the order contains a stating part, it is reproduced in full. If not, then they are limited to the word "I order."
Step 3
From the administrative part of the order, only that part of it (sub-clauses, clauses) is transferred that directly relates to a specific executor, that is, it is for the sake of which the extract is being prepared.
Step 4
The extract indicates information about the person who signed the original document, namely, the position held by him, initials and surname. There is no personal signature of this person in the extract from the order.
Step 5
An obligatory requisite in the statement is a certification inscription, consisting of the word "True" (without quotation marks), a personal signature, a decryption of the signature (surname and initials), the position of the person who certified the statement, the date of certification. If an extract from the order is issued outside the organization, then it is certified by the seal of this particular organization. For internal extracts, the stamp (seal) of the personnel department of the enterprise is used. Usually, the extract is certified by the secretary-assistant and issued to the responsible executor against receipt. It should be printed on a blank sheet of A4 or A5 paper in the option of an angular arrangement of permanent requisites in a flag manner.
Step 6
The issuance of an extract from the order for personnel is carried out according to a similar pattern. The difference lies in the absence of the ascertaining part. Therefore, the item of interest is written out from the administrative part ("Accept …", "Translate …"). The rest of the registration coincides with the extract from the order for the main activity.