An order is a legal act that is issued by the head of an organization, a management body to resolve the main and operational tasks of its activities. In some cases, when there is no need to reproduce the entire text of the order itself, a document called an extract from the order is drawn up.

Step 1
An extract from the order is executed as follows. The details, including the name of the organization, place of publication and date of the order, etc., should be executed in the same way as in the main document, without changes. The date of the document is indicated numerically in two ways: using three pairs of numbers, for example, 25.07.10; or with the full spelling of the year - 2010-25-07.
Step 2
Change the name of the document ("Order", respectively, with "Extract from the order"). At the same time, indicate the date and number of the document from which you are making an extract. Remember that the name "Order", "Extract from the order" is always drawn up in capital letters (separated by a space) below the name of the organization: in the center of the line with the longitudinal arrangement of the details, from the border of the left margin - in the case of their angular arrangement.
Step 3
Reproduce the statement part of the document completely without changes, including the word "I order", which is always in capital letters (without spaces) on a separate line from the border of the left margin and ends with a colon. Select from the administrative part of the order the item you are interested in (maybe one or several). At the same time, keep their sequential numbering unchanged.
Step 4
In the extract from the order, the requisite "Signature" includes the title of the position of the head who signed the original of the order, and the decryption of the signature itself. The head of the statement does not sign. In the space provided for this, simply make a note “Signature” and certify the official paper. On a separate line from the border of the left margin at the bottom of the document, write the word "True" in capital letters, and below indicate the name of the position of the person who certifies it (as a rule, secretary, clerk, HR specialist, etc.). Get the personal signature of the person certifying the statement and decipher it by indicating the initials and surname next to it.