In any organization, during the work process, contracts are concluded under which certain works, purchases or services are paid for. Usually contracts are signed by two parties and are legally binding for the entire period of their validity. But sometimes it becomes necessary to amend the documents and this requires drawing up a separate protocol of disagreements.

- A4 paper
- pen
- ruler
- pencil
- seal
- computer
- Printer
Step 1
The protocol of disagreements is drawn up in the presence of all participants in the transaction, if such a meeting is not possible, then the initiator of the drafting of amendments sends the document personally or by fax to the other party and, after agreement, is signed by the parties. The protocol is sealed with signatures and seals and entered into the register of contracts. It is drawn up in two copies, one for each party, if the contract is bilateral, and in three or more copies, if there are more parties.
Step 2
There is no title page in the protocol of disagreements. First, there is the name of the protocol and the number of the contract, then the substantiation of the point of view, taking into account the current legislation. After that, indicate the meaning of the claims and amendments to the contract. To do this, draw up a table or just text that is written in any form. First comes an excerpt from the contract itself, then its correction. After that, indicate a link to a law or other document. It is advisable to substantiate your claims clearly and clearly.
Step 3
Items that are of particular importance can be highlighted in bold. You can draw up a protocol on any number of A4 sheets. This document has legal force equal to the contract, is binding on the parties and is registered in the Unified Register of Contracts.
Step 4
If the protocol is drawn up to the contract, which was drawn up based on the results of a competition, quotation application or auction, then, in addition to entering it into the register of contracts, it should be registered on the website of state and municipal orders and receive the corresponding individual number. To do this, it is necessary to fill in the information on the conclusion of contracts, where it is indicated that this is an addition to the existing contract and, having signed the information with the bank signature of the head, take them to the accounting department. Such a procedure will ensure the correct nomenclature of documents and protect against unscheduled inspections by the antimonopoly authority.
Step 5
Any protocol must be agreed upon at the stage of conclusion. You cannot be guided by changes without signatures and seals, as well as in case of disagreement between the parties. If it is impossible to resolve the issues by a peace agreement, you should apply to the Arbitration Court at the location of the organizations to resolve the differences.