There is intense competition in retail. Product manufacturers are competing for the best shelf space, more floor space, and better point-of-sale design. From time to time, various tricks are invented to "force" the customer to make as many purchases as possible.

Step 1
Those who come up with "moves" to better sell products are called merchandisers. This word comes from the English "merchandising" and means a component of the marketing industry that develops methods of selling goods in a store.
Step 2
When placing goods, you should take into account the principle of merchandising called "Focal Point". Place the product in the focus of the customer's attention - in the center of the showcase with a slight shift to the right. If you are selling in supermarkets, where the space is large, then it is better to zone the retail space using the principle of “store in store”.
Step 3
Do not forget about the rule called "Eye movement". The typical movement of the buyer's eyes also did not go unnoticed by merchandisers: first, the gaze is directed to the upper right corner, then it moves in a zigzag fashion from right to left, and also, from top to bottom. Use this pattern when laying out products.
Step 4
Use the renowned Visual Perception merchandising item. The buyer is ready for a more conscious perception of information in a space that is 30º from the point on which his gaze is focused. If your goal is to occupy a visual dominant position on the display case, then it is necessary to fill the place with products that exceeds these 30º.
Step 5
Use the Reverse Clock technique. The overwhelming majority of buyers are right-handed, therefore, they move around the store counterclockwise, passing along its outer perimeter. In this way, about 90% of consumers bypass the trading floor and only 10% immediately find themselves in the center of the store. Place your products in the area of movement of the vast majority of customers - along the perimeter.
Step 6
Apply the rule called the Golden Triangle. Its essence is as follows: the larger the area between the entrance, the checkout and the most popular product, the higher the sales volume. The buyer will go into the hall and go to get the goods he needs, for example, bread, along the way he will be forced to familiarize himself with other products and, probably, will make more purchases.