It is generally accepted that sales in supermarkets will be successful in any case, since food is the type of goods for which buyers will always be in demand. However, the real facts are different from the ideal. In a situation of increasing competition among supermarkets, it is important to know what techniques will help in the struggle for customers.

Step 1
The main rule that needs to be set in any supermarket is polite salespeople and freedom for customers. Do not obstruct the passage of buyers to the shelves, customers should be able to calmly explore the product and find out all the information about it. It is important that the salespeople look neat, preferably dressed in uniform, so that they can be distinguished from visitors and, if necessary, ask for help. The goods on the shelves must be neatly arranged. Untidiness is very annoying for customers, they quickly lose confidence in such a store.
Step 2
New customers will be attracted by promotions held in stores with discounts on various types of goods. Particularly attractive promotions may include not only those that reduce the price of one product, but also those that prepare benefits for buyers only after purchasing 2, 3 or 4 products. Customers are more likely to pay for three products than for one if the fourth comes with these three for free. It is not difficult to calculate how then the cost of their purchase will increase.
Step 3
Change the discounted product every week or every few days, label it with bright price tags or display it in a prominent place in the store. Just do not place this place right at the entrance or directly at the checkout: there is a possibility that customers either will not notice such a product, or will only buy it and immediately leave the store.
Step 4
Bright banners and pointers will help customers better navigate the store, which will also increase the average check of each visitor. When the client does not need to specify where and what is, where to find what product and how to get to the checkout, his trust in the store increases, and the shopping cart is replenished more actively and with great pleasure. On the street, there should also be banners indicating the name of the store, popular advertised products or promotions held in it.
Step 5
Communication between buyers and sellers can be a good way to increase customer confidence in the supermarket. It should be borne in mind that women communicate most of all in the store, while men do not like to ask for help. Therefore, men's products should be provided with as detailed instructions and directions as possible on how to find them, and women should be provided with advice from sellers.
Step 6
The longer a customer spends in a store, the more likely it is that he will not leave without a purchase. Therefore, modern supermarkets are expanding their areas, striving not only to provide customers with the greatest comfort and choice, but also to increase the time they spend in the store.
Step 7
Conversely, queuing is bad for the store's reputation and customer attitudes. A couple of times stuck in a queue, the customer will no longer want to come to the supermarket during rush hour and will get by with a less busy supermarket. Prevent customer loss by keeping all checkouts working smoothly during the busiest times of the day. The ideal queue length is when there are no more than 3 visitors.
Step 8
To attract visitors, come up with something that your competitors don't have: create a loyalty program by issuing plastic cards for regular customers with big discounts on them, offer food delivery services when buying a certain amount. Create a paid delivery of groceries for that category of visitors who are uncomfortable getting out of the house, offer customers baskets in the hall, if they forgot them at the entrance, let customers taste new products. Any original proposal that sets your supermarket apart from the rest will attract customers to it, even if they themselves do not use these additional services.