The nightclub administrator must combine the functions of a manager who organizes the work of the staff and a representative of the establishment who creates a pleasant atmosphere for the guests. His responsibilities include resolving conflict situations. In addition, a good administrator should be the face of his club - after all, it is he who contacts with the visitors. Are you ready to try yourself in this capacity? Then look for a suitable club with a vacancy and sign up for an interview.

Step 1
Make the right resume. The administrator must be sociable, positive, friendly, have experience in managing people, not get lost in stressful situations, be distinguished by efficiency and be ready for irregular working hours. Be sure to check these points on your resume.
Step 2
Have you already worked in a catering or entertainment establishment? Indicate this point in the "work experience" column. It doesn't matter if you were just checking tickets at a movie theater or serving customers at a coffee shop. You are no longer new to this business, and this is the main thing. Attach a good color photo to your resume - this will favorably distinguish you from the stream of potential applicants.
Step 3
Find suitable vacancies using specialized websites or newspapers. You can contact the club you like directly - sometimes HR managers simply do not have time to update the list of vacancies. In addition, staff turnover in the clubs is high. Start with the places of interest to you - it is quite possible that you will be able to get a place in the club of your dreams.
Step 4
Prepare for your interview. You should look modern enough, but not defiant, because you are applying for an administrative position. When talking to a potential employer, be free but polite. Plan a short story about yourself in advance. Do not be shy and do not belittle your merits and achievements. Perceive the interlocutor as a guest - if you can convince him that you are the best candidate of all possible, then you will cope with the future work.
Step 5
Some establishments may offer you a “stressful interview”. You will be interrupted, asked to do something unusual, such as singing. You may have to wait for the boss or, conversely, look for him in an unfamiliar building. If these little things annoy you, think about it - maybe working with capricious guests and wayward waiters and bartenders will not suit you at all? Stressful situations in the club are a daily work routine.
Step 6
If you are inexperienced, but really want to become an administrator, take up a free internship or the position of "assistant". You can learn the nuances of the club business and improve your resume. Specify how long your seniority period will last and when you can count on your first paycheck. Consider this job as teaching. Having understood it, you can find yourself a place with a permanent salary and good interest.