When you enter any sports club, you are greeted and greeted by benevolent administrators on duty who will gladly answer all questions, organize an excursion around the club and describe in paints all its advantages, provide an agreement for review, make a payment for a subscription and offer to get a Club card … If necessary, you can always count on the participation and assistance of the administrators of the sports club. They arrange to meet a personal trainer.

Duties of the duty administrator
The duty administrator is the face of any sports club, which is why high requirements are imposed on candidates for this position. A specialist trained in established sports programs is appointed to the position of the administrator on duty. In addition, when choosing an employee, attention is paid to his appearance, because it is very important how the person who first catches the eye of the client will look like.
The administrator on duty must deal with various matters. He keeps a record of classes and attendance at workouts, makes preliminary registration for individual and group classes, draws up training schedules, conducts introductory briefings on the safety of clients, takes part in the preparation and conduct of trainings or any sporting events, ensures order and cleanliness inside the building, culture service, resolves disputes and conflicts. The on-duty administrator must necessarily understand a different sports direction, be able to convey the necessary information to clients.
The on-duty administrator of the sports club knows the club's work schedule, regulations for the operation and maintenance of the club, norms and rules of fire safety and labor protection.
What is required from the administrator of the sports club
In the activities of the club, the duty administrator is guided by regulatory acts, methodological manuals on physical sports and culture, the charter of the institution, job descriptions and labor regulations. The on-duty administrator has the right to get acquainted with the projects of the club's leaders and make suggestions for improving its work.
The administrator on duty in any sports club bears a huge responsibility, because in his hands the life and health of clients and employees of the club. If there are any medical contraindications that can lead to a threat to the life and health of people, he must immediately inform the administration of the club.
In the sports club, the administrator on duty will always find time to communicate with you, he is always polite and with a benevolent smile.