Not a single article of the law of the Russian Federation provides for the abandonment of a child. The father's application for refusal is considered by the arbitration court, on the basis of this, a resolution is issued on deprivation of parental rights, which does not exempt from the maintenance of the minor and from the payment of alimony.

It is necessary
- - application to the court;
- - notarized refusal.
Step 1
To abandon the child, apply to the court. Write down what reason prompted you to do this. The application must be certified by a notary. In any notary office there are forms on which a refusal is made.
Step 2
A practicing notary will help you properly prepare a waiver and certify the document. Only such a refusal is accepted for judicial review.
Step 3
If you think that the child is not yours and doubt your biological paternity, you will be compulsorily obliged to undergo a genetic examination to confirm or deny the fact of paternity.
Step 4
On the basis of a court order, you can be deprived of parental rights and exempt from paying alimony if the mother of the child has submitted a counter-application and another man wants to adopt the minor.
Step 5
In all other cases, deprivation of parental rights does not exempt the child from material support in the form of monthly alimony payments.
Step 6
The adoptive parents have the same rights and obligations that the parents are vested with, therefore the abandonment of the adopted child is carried out in the same way. The adoptive parent is exempt from the payment of alimony only in cases where the minor is adopted by another family. In other cases, deprivation of parental rights is not a reason for non-payment of alimony.
Step 7
A child, in respect of whom a statement of renunciation of paternity has been written, has the right to be the heir of his father, deprived of parental rights, on an equal basis with the rest of the children whom the father has not renounced. The same right is vested in adopted children, from whom the refusal was made and the father is deprived of parental rights.
Step 8
You do not need to draw up a notarial waiver of your biological or adopted child if you suffer from alcohol, drug addiction, are registered in a neuropsychiatric dispensary, do not pay alimony and do not participate in the upbringing and maintenance of the child. And also if the mother of the child has filed for divorce, indicating in it the reason for the abuse of her or the child. Even without your refusal, you will be deprived of parental rights, since the indicated reasons are sufficient for this.