5 Exercises For Office Workers You Can Do Right Now

5 Exercises For Office Workers You Can Do Right Now
5 Exercises For Office Workers You Can Do Right Now

Medical professionals equate the harm of an office worker's 8-hour day with a pack of cigarettes smoked per day. Yes, the harm is done of a slightly different plan, but its danger to health is no less. Only 5 simple exercises that an office worker can perform without leaving the workplace will help to correct the situation.

5 Exercises for Office Workers You Can Do Right Now
5 Exercises for Office Workers You Can Do Right Now

Work breaks are very important for office workers, and not just as a rest, but as a chance to avoid health problems, which will inevitably lead to hours of work at the computer. Moreover, these breaks must be active. The obligatory minimum is to walk around the office or go to a cafe, go out into the street or onto the balcony. The optimal maximum is to do 5 simple exercises that will allow you to relax.

The essence of office gymnastics - why and who needs it

Office gymnastics is an essential element in the work schedule. Few ordinary clerks, accountants, extras or executives know that sedentary work can lead to health problems such as

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • development of musculoskeletal pathologies,
  • headaches and chronic migraines, depression,
  • disruptions in digestion and metabolism,
  • obesity, diabetes and oncology.

Breaks during which the office worker does not just rest on the sofa, but does simple physical exercises, help restore blood supply throughout the body, soothe, sharpen vision, hearing and coordination, allow faster concentration, increase overall tone and practically exclude the development of internal diseases organs.

You need to choose a set of exercises not on the recommendation of colleagues or loved ones, but based on your feelings, starting from personal problems that need to be solved. It is important to understand that a system that suits another person can simply harm you and give absolutely the opposite result, even put you on a hospital bed.

5 simple exercises for office workers

New mobile technologies, the Internet and the ability to transfer information without face-to-face meetings have made humanity practically immobile. The lack of movement needs to be compensated for, and simple exercises that can be done right in the office can help.

Foot massage

Prolonged sitting in one sitting position, limiting the mobility of the ankles and calves is a serious problem. Foot massage will restore blood supply to the legs, relieve tension on nerve fibers. It is not difficult to do it - you can roll a tennis ball or a plastic bottle of cold water with your feet.

Wall squats

This exercise prevents tissue degeneration in the back and buttocks. There is no need to achieve quantitative victories. It is enough to sit down three times, pressing your back tightly against the wall, until your knees bend at an angle of 90˚ and sit for 1 minute.


During prolonged sitting, the muscles in the thighs, which are responsible for the functionality of the joints, shorten. Lunges will help prevent such a pathology - we put one leg forward and bend its knee to 90˚, while the knee of the other leg should not touch the floor. Then we simply change the supporting leg and repeat the exercise.


When working at a computer, the spine is bent, a stoop appears. It is necessary to regularly remind the body of its natural, correct posture when the back is straight. To do this, we sit on the edge of a chair, put our hands on the back of the buttocks, spread our knees, spread our feet, straighten our back and slightly bend back - hold the position for 10-15 seconds.


Once or twice a day, you can simply stretch out well, placing your hands on your hips and trying to lean back as far as possible, but without causing pain. The intensity of these stretching can be increased gradually. It is important to understand that office gymnastics is not a sport, and health, not quantitative indicators, will be a victory.

Yoga for the health of office workers

There are 5 exercises from the Yoga system "in trend" for office workers, and most of them are very similar to the already described methods of recovery during the working day. But if you want to follow fashion trends, then you can do 5 exercises from Yoga for office employees during a physical break:

  • "Cobra head" - very similar to stretching, but the arms, bent at the elbows, wind behind the head,
  • "Cat-cow" - sitting on a chair, you need to try to bend the chest forward as much as possible, and bring the shoulder blades together.
  • "Twisting" - in a sitting position, we turn the body to the left and right, while the hip joint is in one position (straight).
  • "Sitting pigeon" - the exercise is identical to "twisting", but all parts of the body move, and the shoulders and torso, while the figure resembles a spiral.
  • "Pashchimottanasana" - sitting on a chair, spread the hips and tilt the body as low as possible, touch the floor with your hands.

The most important thing in office gymnastics is not to harm. If, after physical education, discomfort, malaise appears, reduces efficiency, drowsiness and irritability appear, you need to abandon the selected set of exercises and visit a doctor, together with him, choose a more successful warm-up tactic.
