Many young people dream of working in the Department of Internal Affairs since childhood. And quite a few of them want to become a traffic police officer. But only not everyone knows where to study and what to do in order to get a job in the desired position.

Step 1
Since the Department of Internal Affairs is partially equated to a military structure, a candidate for the position of a traffic police officer must serve the allotted time in the army. He must also have a higher education.

Step 2
No one is hired immediately for leadership positions, therefore the first stage of work in the traffic police is work "on the street". And this is working directly with violating motorists, drawing up protocols on road accidents, analyzing all the circumstances of accidents, working with victims - in general, all paperwork.
Step 3
Also, a potential traffic police officer must necessarily have a driver's license of categories B and C. This is due to the fact that traffic police officers constantly participate in raids.

Step 4
And, of course, you need a "clean" biography. In addition, they will not be hired right away, you first need to undergo an internship.