Any property can be inherited either by will or by law. Usually the inheritance process takes a lot of time and requires some legal knowledge.

It is necessary
death certificate; documents that will confirm the relationship with the deceased; an extract from the house book, confirming that the deceased lived in this particular area; technical device passport; vehicle registration certificate
Step 1
Prepare the following documents for contacting a notary: death certificate; documents that will confirm the relationship with the deceased; an extract from the house book confirming that the deceased lived in this particular area; technical device passport; vehicle registration certificate.
Step 2
Contact a notary. If the application and power of attorney for obtaining a certificate of the right to inheritance will be drawn up by a third party, you need to make a power of attorney in his name, as your official representative, having also certified the document with a notary. If you are not the only heir, and there is no will or litigation on this issue, then the car will be divided between the heirs in equal shares.
Step 3
Contact an appraiser who will determine the cost of the car. This information is required to pay for notary services, since it is 0.3% of the price of the car. Services in this direction can only be provided to you by members of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers.
Step 4
If there are several heirs, decide the question for whom the car will be registered, since a car can only be registered with the traffic police for one person. The remaining applicants for the inheritance must in this case sell or donate their shares.
Step 5
After submitting all the documents and the expiration of six months from the date of the death of your relative, you will receive a certificate of the right to inherit the car. When deciding to register a car for yourself, submit documents to the traffic police for registration of property. If you will sell a car, then there is no need to register it, you can immediately start drawing up documents for its sale. Moreover, then you will not have to pay transport tax, since it will be charged on the new owner.