It is possible to become an heir in accordance with article of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 146-Ф3 dated 26.11.01 and new introductions of part 3 dated 1.03.02. All inheritance left after the death of the testator is subject to division, as stated in article 1116 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the property is not bequeathed, it is divided among all heirs by law. You can divide both movable and immovable property, as well as deposits, stocks, bonds, securities, business. In general, everything that was acquired by the testator during the period of his life and work.

It is necessary
- - statement of acceptance of inheritance
- - passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
- - documents certifying relationship with the testator
- -death certificate
- - title documents for the car
- -PTS
- -CTP policy
- -certificate on the value of the vehicle at the time of opening the inheritance
Step 1
To inherit a car, all heirs must submit an application to the notary office at the last place of residence of the testator or at the place of registration of the vehicle. This must be done within 6 months after the death of the testator.
Step 2
If the vehicle is bequeathed, a certificate of inheritance for it will be received by the person specified in the will only if the testator did not have any disabled, minors or disabled relatives dependent on it. If they were, then regardless of the instructions in the will, they will own an equal share of the property, this is indicated in article 1148 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 3
In addition to the application, it is necessary to submit to the notary who will handle the inheritance case, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a passport of a technical device, documents of title to it, a document of relationship with the testator, a certificate of the value of the vehicle at the time of opening the inheritance, an OSAGO policy.
Step 4
If the car is not bequeathed, it will be divided among the heirs by law in equal parts. The heir who lived with the testator, used the vehicle on an equal footing and was indicated in the OSAGO policy will have the preferential right to receive an inheritance in the form of a car in kind. All other heirs will own other property of equal value or will be paid cash equal to their share of the value of the car.
Step 5
If a vehicle is bequeathed and an heir is indicated in the will, regardless of this, he will have to pay equivalent shares of the value of the vehicle if the testator had minors, disabled or disabled persons as dependent. Their share will be equal to that as if the vehicle was divided among the heirs by law.
Step 6
After 6 months, the notary will issue a certificate of inheritance, and the vehicle can be registered in the name of the heir.
Step 7
If the heirs cannot agree on a voluntary basis on the division of the inheritance, it is divided through the court. Everyone will receive a share in accordance with the law and the order of the judiciary.