How To Calculate Fluidity

How To Calculate Fluidity
How To Calculate Fluidity

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Staff turnover, that is, an unstable workforce, negatively affects the work of any enterprise. This is an indicator that a part of the staff works on it, which is constantly in the learning process, the team is not completely formed. Lack of stability in the team is always a factor that reduces production performance and work efficiency. How to calculate staff turnover in order to implement staff retention programs when its critical value increases?

How to calculate fluidity
How to calculate fluidity


Step 1

Staff turnover is a process caused by the dissatisfaction of workers with their workplace - working conditions, wages, and the policy of the company's management. It can be intra-organizational - associated with the movement of employees within the organization and external, when the movement of labor resources occurs between enterprises, industries and sectors of the economy.

Step 2

To calculate staff turnover for the planning period (TCH) and average (TCS), we will use the formulas:

TCH = the number of people dismissed during the planning period / the average number of employees during the planning period;

TKS = average annual number of layoffs * 100 / average annual number of employees of the enterprise.

The employee turnover rate (CTC) is calculated as the ratio of the total number of layoffs not caused by industrial or national necessity to the average payroll for a certain period.

Step 3

Distinguish between natural and excessive staff turnover. The natural turnover associated with retirement or relocation of employees to another city usually does not exceed 3-5%. It contributes to the timely renewal of the workforce and should not cause much concern.

Step 4

Excessive turnover, the coefficient of which exceeds 15-20%, as shown by psychological studies, negatively affects the moral climate in the remaining team, reduces their labor motivation and corporate loyalty. It destroys the ties that have developed in the work collective and can acquire an avalanche-like character. This phenomenon can often be observed in organizations, when employees leave their entire departments, their already established work teams, which have the same motivation and established contacts and connections.

Step 5

The economic damage in case of excessive turnover is determined by losses caused by interruptions in work, the need to train new personnel, and a decrease in labor productivity for those who are going to quit and those who are hired again. In addition, the percentage of scrap and the cost of recruiting new personnel are increasing. For blue-collar workers, such damage can amount to 7-12% of the annual wages, for specialists - 18-30%, top managers - 20-100%.
