Modern labor legislation defines harmful working conditions as those types of employment that affect the employee and his health. This can be the work process itself, the work environment or the place of work. Moreover, the same legislation also provides for the occurrence of various occupational diseases.

Step 1
Diseases that can lead to harmful working conditions are ailments that provoke complete or partial disability, exacerbation of diseases, as well as the manifestation of somatic diseases. There is also an accepted classification according to the degree of hazardousness of work.
Step 2
The first degree includes working conditions that can further entail functional changes, which can still be restored with therapeutic or prophylactic prolonged interruption of contact with factors affecting a person. The second group includes those jobs that are capable of causing persistent changes at the functional level and leading to the manifestation of diseases with long-term employment for more than 15 years. The third includes working conditions that also cause persistent functional changes that can lead to disability right during the period of work. And to the fourth - those types of work that can provoke severe or very severe forms of ailments, with further chronic problems or complete disability of the employee.
Step 3
According to the labor legislation, a person works in "harmful" jobs, if he is affected by the following physical factors - high humidity, temperature, as well as thermal or solar radiation; various electromagnetic radiation or fields; charged air particles and electric fields; various radiation (lasers, ultraviolet, ionization); high dustiness, vibration and increased aerosol content; lighting considered insufficient, pulsating, or uneven.
Step 4
The harmful working conditions also include the impact of various chemical factors - mixtures or substances, as well as those biological substances that are obtained by the method of chemical synthesis. The latter may include antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes, and hormones. The legislation provides for the impact of biological factors - mixtures and substances (bacteria, spores or microorganisms).
Step 5
Also, various labor factors are classified as such types of employment. For example, if a person is forced to carry heavy weights, experience constant stress, and also participate in a very long work process.
Step 6
A person engaged in "harmful" work has the right to pay additional leave, as well as to several types of benefits - preferential and earlier pension, reduced working day or week, material additional payments, as well as to receive milk or other restorative products.