The conditions in which people have to work vary. They can be conditionally divided into optimal (safe), permissible, harmful and dangerous. A production factor is considered harmful if it can cause an employee's illness.

Step 1
Harmful factors are of several types:
• physical (noise, lighting, radiation, vibration, dust, lighting);
• chemical (various poisons, acids);
• biological (temperature, air humidity, high concentration of pathogenic microorganisms, harmful bacteria, spores);
• psychophysical (physical severity of labor, mental and emotional stress).
Step 2
The Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a list of professions with a harmful factor, to whose representatives the law guarantees various kinds of benefits and compensations. One of the most harmful is considered to be the work of a miner, which combines several factors hazardous to health at once. Lack of oxygen, strong concentration of carbon dioxide and coal dust have a detrimental effect on the lungs and bronchi, provoking various diseases of the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system. In addition, high noise levels negatively affect the hearing and nervous system of miners.
Step 3
The driver's work is also extremely unsafe. In addition to the high probability of accidents and stressful situations, experienced drivers are susceptible to a huge number of chronic diseases - osteochondrosis, sciatica, headaches, hypertension, hemorrhoids, prostatitis, etc. Also, one cannot but take into account the harm caused to the driver's body by the constant inhalation of toxic exhaust gases.
Step 4
It is true that the work of a teacher, which has many occupational diseases, is also considered harmful. Among them are diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, diseases of the throat, vision and digestion. In addition, teachers often suffer from spinal problems and varicose veins.
Step 5
Hairdressers, who also spend their working day in a standing position, have similar back problems and varicose veins of varying severity. But this work is fraught with other dangers. In particular, the risk of bronchial asthma, and all because, by shortening the hair, the hairdresser will certainly inhale their small particles. Allergies are also not uncommon among hairdressing workers, due to constant contact with hair treatments, dyeing and styling products, which are often very toxic.
Step 6
Safe working conditions for office workers are such only at first glance. Computers and air conditioners, inactivity and snacks, stress and mental strain - all these can be called harmful factors that cause significant damage to health.