Certain types of work are considered hazardous or harmful. Basically, they involve working with chemicals or radiation. Accordingly, the profession of an X-ray laboratory assistant can be considered life-threatening, but labor legislation has its own parameters of harmfulness.

Duties of an X-ray laboratory assistant
The position of an X-ray laboratory assistant can be occupied by a person with secondary medical education after completing training courses for workers in X-ray and radiological departments. The laboratory assistant is subordinate to the radiologist and must fulfill the following job duties: registration of patients, maintaining the necessary documentation, preparing patients for radiography, carrying out the procedure on behalf of the radiologist.
An indicator of the high qualification of an X-ray laboratory assistant is the ability to conduct X-ray so accurately that when the procedure is repeated for the same object, the picture will be identical to the previous one.
An X-ray laboratory assistant monitors the receipt of drugs from the pharmacy and all the necessary accessories, prepares contrast agents and photochemical solutions for the development of images, and can also perform the work of a photographic assistant.
Possible diseases of the workers of the X-ray room
Radiation sickness is possible in conditions of neglect of special protection or its poor condition, an unregulated working day. People with the following diseases are not allowed to work with X-ray equipment: lesions of the central nervous system, diseases of the skin and genitals, eyes (cataracts), liver, diseases of the circulatory system, any neoplastic diseases.
Failure to comply with individual protective measures and the rules of external protection of the office, the workers of the X-ray department (radiologist and laboratory assistant) may develop tumor diseases of the skin, blood cancer. The most common is myeloid leukemia (in those who have been working in this area for more than 10 years).
Working conditions of X-ray laboratory technicians
X-ray technicians are eligible for early retirement at age 50 for men and 45 for women. For the first, the total length of service must be at least 20 years, 10 of which - in the position of an X-ray laboratory assistant. Women are required to have 15 years of general experience, half of which is work in the X-ray room.
If an employee has the required insurance experience and only half (not less) of the required "harmful" experience, the retirement age for them is reduced at the rate of 1 year for each year of work as an X-ray laboratory assistant. In addition, the working day of such an employee is reduced to 6 hours. He is entitled to additional leave of 12 to 24 days per year.