How To Fill Out An Employee's Personal Card

How To Fill Out An Employee's Personal Card
How To Fill Out An Employee's Personal Card

Table of contents:


Despite the fact that since January 1, 2013, the forms of primary accounting documents contained in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are not mandatory for use, in practice they continue to be actively used. At the same time, the unified form No. T-2 "Personal employee card" is not an exception, the procedure for filling it out of which we will consider in this article.

1st page of form No. T-2
1st page of form No. T-2


Step 1

We fill in the "header" of the unified form:

1) indicate the code of the organization for OKPO (this information can be gleaned from the Information Letter on registration in the Statistical Register of Rosstat or Notifications from the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service issued to the organization);

2) we put down the date of drawing up (identical to the date of the order (instruction) on the employment of the employee);

3) we assign the employee a personnel number (for example, 01, 010, 253, etc.);

4) we enter information about the TIN, and the number of the insurance certificate of the state pension insurance;

5) in the "Alphabet" column, indicate the first letter of the employee's surname;

6) in the column "Nature of work" we indicate the permanent or temporary hired employee;

7) in the column "Type of work" we indicate whether it is the main one for the employee, or whether he performs the labor function in the organization concurrently;

8) in the column "Gender" we put down the words of the employee's gender: male or female.

2nd page of form No. T-2
2nd page of form No. T-2

Step 2

We fill in section 1. "GENERAL INFORMATION":

1) we put down the number of the employment contract and the date of its conclusion;

2) we indicate data on the name of the employee;

3) we indicate the date of birth, filled in in two ways (verbal and alphabetic and digital);

4) we indicate the place of birth, according to the passport or other identity document, and put down the corresponding code according to OKATO);

5) we indicate the data on the citizenship of the person, including by affixing the OKIN code;

6) we add information about the degree of knowledge of a certain foreign language by a person (“reads and translates with a dictionary”, “reads and can explain”, “speaks fluently”), including by putting down the appropriate code according to OKIN;

7) we indicate the data on the employee's education (educational level, name of the educational institution, educational document, year of graduation, etc.), including indicating all the necessary codes;

8) we enter data on the employee's profession, indicating its code according to OKPDTR;

9) indicate the length of service of the employee as of the date of the conclusion of the employment contract, indicating its individual types;

10) we indicate information about whether the employee is (was) married or not, including by affixing the OKIN code;

11) we enter data on the composition of the family (most often only such persons as: mother, father, husband, wife, son, daughter, brother or sister are indicated);

12) in strict accordance with the employee's passport, we enter the necessary data of this document (series, number, by whom it was issued, and when it was issued);

13) we indicate the address of the place of residence according to the passport and the actual one, not forgetting about the postal codes;

14) we put down the date of registration at the place of residence, and indicate the contact phone number by which you can contact the employee.

3rd page of form No. T-2
3rd page of form No. T-2

Step 3

We fill in section 2. "INFORMATION ABOUT MILITARY REGISTRATION", in accordance with a military ID (temporary certificate issued in return) or a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription:

1) we put down the category of the reserve (this item is not filled in for reserve officers);

2) indicate the military rank of the employee, or write the phrase "subject to conscription";

3) indicate the composition (profile) - "command", "soldiers", etc.;

4) we put down the full code designation of the VUS, which can be digital or alphanumeric;

5) indicate the category of fitness for military service (from "A" to "G");

6) indicate the name of the military commissariat at the place of residence;

7) if the person is on general or special military registration, we indicate information about this with a simple pencil.

At the end of the second page of the unified form, the signature of the employee of the personnel service is required, with its decoding, and an indication of the position, as well as the signature of the employee, below which the date of filling is affixed.

4th page of form No. T-2
4th page of form No. T-2

Step 4

We fill out sections 3 to 10 of the unified form, the procedure for entering information into which depends on the labor activity of a particular employee in a particular organization, and is considered in more detail in specialized publications, such as:

"PERSONAL CARDS: design issues". A practical guide. 2nd edition - Volgograd: Consulting company "Strategy". - 65 p.

Step 5

In case of termination of the employment contract, it is necessary to fill out section 11 Grounds for termination of the employment contract (dismissal), indicating in it the wording that must correspond to the wording of the grounds for termination of the employment contract contained in the order (order) to terminate the employment contract with reference to article (paragraph of the article) Of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Then, information about the date of dismissal and the order on the basis of which it was made are put down.

And, finally, at the very bottom of the page, the signature of the personnel service employee is again affixed, with a decryption of the signature, and an indication of the position, as well as the signature of the employee.
