The form of the employee's personal card T-2 is unified, filled in by an employee of the personnel service when hiring. Subsequent entries are made during employment. In certain cases, the records are certified by the employee. In fact, the T-2 form is the basis of the employee's personal file.

Step 1
Filling in a personal card is made on the basis of primary documents: an order for employment, a document on education, a passport, a military ID, a work book.
Step 2
The personal card contains information and codes of the organization: OKATO, OKIN, OKUD, OKPO.
Step 3
Some data are not confirmed by documents, but are indicated from the words of the employee: information about the actual place of residence, information about relatives, the degree of proficiency in a foreign language.
Step 4
Hiring, transfers, changes in information about the employee are certified by his signature.
Step 5
Corrections are made by striking out the previous entry, the new entry is placed on top or next to it.
Step 6
Information about all provided vacations is entered into the card: main, additional, the period for which the vacation is provided, the number of days, the start and end dates.
Step 7
In a separate section, information on military registration is indicated on the basis of a military card or a conscript's certificate. The employee of the personnel department certifies this part of the card with his signature, thereby confirming the accuracy of the information.
Step 8
Filling out the T-2 form ends with a note of dismissal: date, basis, order details. Such a record is also certified by an employee and a personnel officer.