After the state registration of the organization with the authorized tax inspectorate, its head (since often there is only one in the state) should develop and issue a number of personnel documents necessary for the normal internal functioning of the company, as well as for its interaction with other individuals (legal entities), state bodies. (municipal) authorities.

Step 1
The head of the organization issues an order in any form on his assumption of the position of the sole executive body (CEO, director, chairman, etc.), which should be based on the decision of the sole participant (shareholder) of the company or in accordance with the collective will expressed in the form of the minutes of the general meeting of participants (shareholders). In the absence of a full-time chief accountant in the organization, the head of the organization also issues an order to assign the responsibilities of this person to himself.

Step 2
The head of the organization issues an order (order) on the hiring of an employee according to the unified form No. T-1 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1), signing this document simultaneously for both the employee and the head of the organization.
Step 3
An employment contract is developed for the head of the organization (its content must meet the requirements of Article 57 of the Labor Code of Russia) and a job description. On the one hand, the employment contract is signed by the employee (in our case, by the head of the organization), and on the other hand, by the employer, on whose behalf one of the participants (shareholders) authorized by the general meeting can act, or the only member of the organization who appointed the sole executive organ. The job description of the head of the organization can also be approved by one of the participants (shareholders) of the company, authorized to do so by the minutes of the general meeting, or on the basis of the decision of the sole participant (shareholder).
Step 4
An employee's personal card for the head of the organization is drawn up according to the unified form No. T-2 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1), which is filled out on the basis of the documents submitted by him (at least, according to the list specified in article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 5
Internal labor regulations are developed and approved, in which the following chapters (sections) are usually highlighted:
- general provisions;
- the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer;
- the procedure for hiring, suspension from work and dismissal of employees;
- working hours and rest hours;
- remuneration of employees;
- work schedule and work discipline;
- an indication that "the internal labor regulations are posted in a conspicuous place in the organization."
Step 6
The staffing table of the organization is being developed and approved according to the unified form No. T-3 (approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1), which can be drawn up not only with the expectation of those employees who should be hired in the near future, but also for the foreseeable future …