All organizations have personnel documents. They are concluded in order to regulate labor relations with employees. Any revision begins with checking this documentation, which is why it is very important to format it correctly.

Step 1
The main thing is to be guided by various laws, instructions and other regulatory documents when drawing up any personnel document. Violation of any rules leads to various sanctions.
Step 2
Documents are drawn up after the issuance of the order by the head of the organization. On the basis of all personal documents of the employee, forms are filled out, for example, an employment contract.
Step 3
When hiring, a cadre employee must remove copies of all documents and file them into the employee's personal file. In the future, you can also attach documents to this folder, for example, a vacation application. It should be said that keeping a personal file is not necessary for private firms.
Step 4
You should also make an inventory of all documents available in the personal file, which should be in chronological order and contain serial numbers.
Step 5
All changes in personal files are made from the application of the employee himself and according to the attached copies, for example, in the case of a change in the surname - a certificate of marriage (dissolution). At the same time, old documents cannot be recycled; they must remain in the employee's personal file.
Step 6
On the cover of the personal file, information about the employee is indicated, namely: surname, name, patronymic and serial number of the personal file. Then he is registered in a special register of personal affairs.
Step 7
Remember that personal files, as well as employee documents, must be kept in a safe or other secure place. Responsibility for this should be borne by personnel workers who are appointed by order of the head.
Step 8
It should also be borne in mind that personal files are not transferred to the employees themselves, and they can only be studied in the presence of a responsible person.