In 2011 and 2012, you can choose one of two procedures for calculating maternity benefits. There is an "old" and "new" order - which one is more profitable for the expectant mother, she chooses herself.

calculator, information on wages (2-NDFL certificate or pay slips for each month)
Step 1
Calculate the estimated due date. You can find it out on your own: count 38 weeks from the estimated date of conception. But, as a rule, it is calculated by the gynecologist when registering with the antenatal clinic. Let's say it will be August 1st.
Step 2
Calculate the start date of maternity leave. To do this, count 70 days to the expected due date that you already know. Since August 1st is taken as an example, maternity leave will start on May 23rd. It must be remembered that with multiple pregnancies, the vacation will come 84 days before the birth.
Step 3
Now calculate the average wage. In 2011 and 2012, there are two ways to calculate the average earnings: "old" and "new". With the so-called "old" method of calculating the average wage (for the last 12 calendar months), remember that you need to exclude the period of temporary disability, the period of downtime for the fault of the employer or for reasons beyond the control of the employee and the employer, the vacation period at their own expense and other periods specified in regulatory enactments. Divide the total salary by the number of calendar days for which it was charged, and you will get the amount of your average earnings. If in the last year the total length of service is less than 6 months, it is calculated based on the minimum wage.
With the "new" method of calculating average earnings (for the last 24 calendar months), there are no excluded periods. Divide your total earnings, excluding non-FSS contributions, by 703. This will be your average wage.
Step 4
The allowance is paid without deduction of personal income tax in the amount of 100%. But you need to know that when calculating benefits according to the "old" method, its value is limited to 415,000 rubles.