Maternity leave is granted on the basis of a sick leave issued by the obstetrician-gynecologist of the antenatal clinic who observed the course of pregnancy. It is paid according to the average earnings for 24 months and on the due days, regardless of when the child is actually born.

Step 1
In a normal pregnancy, 140 days are paid in total, in a multiple pregnancy - 196 days. If childbirth was complicated, then 16 days after childbirth is paid on a separate sick leave. In case of multiple pregnancies identified during childbirth, an additional 56 days after childbirth is paid in a separate amount according to a separate sick leave.
Step 2
The calculation of the maternity leave benefit is based on the total amount of earnings for the 24 months from which income tax was withheld. Payments for social benefits are not included in the total amount of earnings, since they are not tax deductible.
Step 3
The entire amount of earnings should be added and divided by the number of calendar days in the billing period, by 730. The resulting figure will be payment for one day of maternity leave. It must be multiplied by the number of days indicated on the sick leave. Income tax is not deducted from maternity benefits.
Step 4
If a woman before the billing period was on parental leave for up to one and a half years, then for calculating the maternity allowance, she can choose another period, and not 24 months, which were the last.
Step 5
For women who worked little or earned little and when calculating benefits, the amount turned out to be less than the average daily based on the minimum wage, then payment should be made at the average daily amount based on the minimum wage.
Step 6
Maternity benefits are available from all employers who have worked for a woman in 24 months. But the maximum amount for calculating the benefit should not exceed 465,000 in one billing year.
Step 7
In addition to maternity benefits, a lump sum is paid for early registration for pregnancy in an antenatal clinic. This figure is constantly changing to reflect inflation.