When an employee reaches the retirement age established by law, he has the right to quit and go on a well-deserved rest, but he can also apply for a pension by staying to work. In both cases, he will have to prepare documents for submission to the Pension Fund.

Step 1
So that the employee does not have to spend several months on applying for a pension, check the documents that he will have to submit in advance. These are work (insurance) experience, the amount of paid insurance premiums and earnings, tk. the size of the pension directly affects these indicators. They are the ones who will be tested by the Pension Fund. The insurance experience for the periods preceding the introduction of individual personified accounting is confirmed by the work book. Check all records of work in it and pay special attention to the presence of signatures and seals and the absence of unspecified corrections.
Step 2
It is advisable to present your work record book to the Pension Fund for verification in advance. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation established that it is issued to an employee upon dismissal, and during the period of work it must be kept by the employer, who is responsible for its safety. At the same time, there is no direct prohibition on issuing a work book to an employee in the legislation. The documents must be submitted to the Pension Fund either in originals or in the form of copies certified by a notary. Proceed as follows: issue a book to the employee at his request for calculating a pension against a receipt with an obligation to return. Or certify a copy of the work record book with a notary.
Step 3
Since the registration of a pension provides for several options for calculating its size: from earnings for 2000-2001 or for any five years preceding 2002. Prepare an employee's pay statement for any five years prior to January 1, 2002: sixty consecutive months of his choice. Indicate the amount on a monthly basis, since when calculating the Pension Fund, the employee's earnings will be modernized, that is, it will be indexed taking into account inflation. In the certificate, indicate only those payments for which insurance premiums were charged. Draw up the certificate on the basis of personal salary accounts.
Step 4
Prepare and submit to the Pension Fund information on insurance premiums that were accrued and paid for the employee in the period from the date of the last reporting to the day when the right to retirement arises.