Labor relations with a part-time worker are regulated by Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Both with the main employee and with the part-time employee, a fixed-term or open-ended employment contract is concluded, the head of the enterprise issues an order and, if the part-time employee so desires, an entry is entered into the work book.

It is necessary
- - a statement from an employee;
- - the documents;
- - employment contract (or supplementary agreement);
- - order of the T-1 form;
- - job responsibilities.
Step 1
If you are employed by an external part-time worker whose main job is in another enterprise, ask the employee to write an application for part-time employment, present a passport, education documents, qualifications and other documents provided for by the specifics of the job. This can be a health certificate if your company specializes in food products, a category, if a part-time job is employed in a corresponding position, admissions to mechanisms, etc.
Step 2
The work book of a part-time employee is located at the main place of work, so you have the right to demand only an extract from it, since this document is handed over to employees only in case of dismissal. If a part-time worker wants a record to be made in the labor, then you must issue a certificate. The entry will be made in the personnel department at the main place of work (article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
Step 3
Enter into a fixed-term or open-ended employment contract with a part-time employee with the obligatory introduction of the clause that the work is a combination of professions (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
Step 4
Issue an order of the unified form T-1. The basis for issuing an order is an employment contract signed with a part-time worker.
Step 5
Familiarize the employee with the internal regulations of your company and job responsibilities.
Step 6
If you accept an internal part-time job, that is, an employee whose main place of work is your company, then you can conclude an additional agreement with him to the current employment contract or conclude a separate part-time employment contract.
Step 7
When employing an internal part-time worker, you do not need to request a package of documents for formalizing an employment relationship. An appointment for a part-time job must be made in your HR department at the request of the employee, that is, it is not mandatory and is entered at the request of the part-time worker.
Step 8
As in the case of an external part-time job, you are required to issue an order of the T-1 form on the basis of an additional agreement or a separate employment contract.