Almost everyone had to change their place of work on their own initiative: moving, more paid or promising work, the desire to change the field of activity. There comes a time when the employee needs to terminate the employment contract as soon as possible. In order to fully respect the rights of both parties in such a situation, the Labor Code provides for a procedure for terminating the contract at the request of the employee.

- - a statement in the text of which it is necessary to indicate the desired date of dismissal;
- - documents confirming the impossibility of further performance by you of your official duties, if such a situation occurs in your case.
Step 1
Warn employer in writing. Write a statement in free form, since the normative documents do not establish a single form for the employee's statement in this case. Notify the employer in the following terms: - in general, notify two weeks before the desired date of termination of the contract. The specified period is counted from the day following the day of submission of the application. If the day of dismissal specified by you is not a working day, then the next working day will be considered the day of expiry of the employment contract; - if you are the head of an organization, then submit such an application at least a month in advance; - if you are employed in seasonal work, or have entered into an employment contract for a period not exceeding two months, submit an application at least three calendar days in advance; - you can terminate the contract at an earlier date if you confirm the impossibility of continuing the work with the relevant documents, or if there are violations by the employer of labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts or the terms of the employment contract.
Step 2
Make the final settlement on the last business day. If the day of dismissal was a day off, then you will receive the amount due on the first working day, or the next day after your request to make a settlement. Such types of payments as compensation for unused vacation and wages for days worked in the month of dismissal are made regardless of the circumstances associated with dismissal.
Step 3
Get a work book. Check the entry in the work book - the reason for the termination of the employment contract and the presence of a link to an article of the Code, its part or clause with full compliance with their wording. If on the last working day you decide to continue working in your current position, withdraw your earlier application. The legislation does not specify a strict requirement to draw up a new application, therefore, by agreement with the employer, simply go to work to continue working.