There are several ways to find out how many working days are in the next calendar year. The simplest and most affordable option is to familiarize yourself with the production calendar, but you can also study regulations or use special calculators.

It is necessary to determine in advance the number of working days in the next calendar year for accountants and personnel workers, who, by the nature of their activities, calculate wages, sick leave payments, vacation pay, and draw up a schedule for employees. This information can also be useful to other employees in connection with planning vacations, trips for long holidays. The simplest, most accessible and convenient way is to study the production calendar, which is compiled for each calendar year.
Characteristics of the production calendar
The production calendar has already taken into account the regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, establishing holidays, their possible postponements in the next calendar year. In addition, this document contains a lot of other useful information, including the quarterly and monthly distribution of working days, weekends and holidays, the standard working hours in different periods, the schedule of professional holidays, comments from the compilers. You can find such a calendar on the official websites of well-known legal reference systems, access to it is provided free of charge. In addition, this document can be printed out for convenience of permanent use or simply saved to your own computer. The comments to the calendar provide useful explanations and links to regulations on the basis of which specific information is given to the user.
Other ways to determine the number of working days in a year
There are also alternative ways of determining the number of working days in a calendar year. In particular, you can independently study the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation establishing holidays for the whole year, however, the information from this document will need to be revised depending on your own needs. In addition, some sites offer special calculators to determine the number of business days. These methods are complex and are not suitable for those employees who constantly need to use information from the production calendar. Nevertheless, you can find out information about any holiday, transfer of weekends or holidays for personal purposes using the named methods. For professional use, it is recommended to choose a ready-made solution in the form of a production calendar.