The easiest way is to go to the HR department and listen to the authoritative opinion of a specialist. If an employee independently wants to find out this issue, counting the number of days of the next vacation does not seem to be a particularly time-consuming process. All calculations are made in accordance with the Labor Code.

The standard version of calculating the number of vacation days excludes any deviations. One example of such a deviation is when an employee writes a statement due to personal circumstances and takes it without pay. Such unworked days are not counted.
Employee has worked less than 11 months
28 days of vacation is the minimum period that an employee must be granted annually. To use it, an employee must have been in the organization for at least 6 months. There are exceptional cases when leave is provided in advance in agreement with the management of the enterprise where the employee works.
The classic vacation option is provided for the actual hours worked. For example, you have worked for exactly 8 months. For each working month, 2, 33 days are allowed. This figure is obtained by dividing the total number of vacation days (28) by twelve months. Accordingly, it turns out that during the worked period, you can walk 19 days. Here the number of full days is rounded up.
Another example is when an employee has worked at an enterprise not exactly 8 months, but 7 months 13 days or 9 months 21 days. The calculation option in this case provides for rounding up or down. If the period includes less than fifteen days, then the amount of vacation is rounded down. After the fifteenth, the number of days increases. It turns out:
• 7 months. 13 days calculated only for 7 months. Then you are entitled to 17 days of paid leave.
• 9 months. 21 days are calculated for 10 months already. In this case, you can take a vacation for 23 days.
An employee has been working in the organization for 11 months or more
The working year begins on the day the employee was hired and received an employment contract. The actual hours worked are taken into account.
For example, if a person is employed on October 14, 2013, their year ends on October 13, 2014. Consequently, from September 13, 2014 to October 6, 2014, he can go on paid vacation. This is his billing period for which vacation is due.
If holidays fall on a vacation period, then such days are not taken into account when calculating, and the vacation is extended.
There is a privileged category of workers who are entitled to additional paid leave. These include workers in harmful professions who work in a difficult sphere of production, teachers, civil servants, minors and other categories of citizens.