Annual paid leave is a mandatory right of every employee. However, some employers do not allow their employees to retire for some reason. In this case, it is important to protect your rights and get the due leave.

Step 1
Submit your annual paid leave application to your top executive at least two weeks before the start of the vacation period. Sign the application and certify it with the signature of your line manager. Hand the document over to HR or a senior official in person. According to article 114 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the right to annual paid leave is granted to each employee who has worked for at least 6 months from the date of employment or the previous paid leave. If, however, the authorities have refused the prescribed leave, remind him politely in writing of this right, which you have by law.
Step 2
The employee vacation schedule must be drawn up no later than a month before the beginning of the year in which employees will go on their due rest. Remind your supervisor of this and inform that you are going on vacation in accordance with this adopted act. If your company does not draw up a vacation schedule, and employees go on vacation by agreement with the management, you also have the right to take a vacation at a time convenient for you, even if the management is against it.
Step 3
Try to mention in your negotiations about the possibility of bringing the company's management to administrative responsibility in connection with violation of workers' rights. In accordance with article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an organization can be fined for this by 30-50 thousand rubles. If this fact was also ignored, file a complaint with supervisory authorities, for example, the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor's office. After submitting this application, the relevant state organization will audit the company and, if violations are detected, will bring to the established responsibility.
Step 4
Still try to resolve the situation peacefully. Perhaps the management does not want to let you go on vacation, as there are currently no employees who could replace you during your absence. Agree on this with your colleagues or do urgent work in advance on your own. You also have the opportunity to divide your vacation into several periods, which will create convenience for both you and your superiors. If the company has financial problems, you can also, by agreement, receive an initially certain part of the graduation payments, and the remainder - after you start work.