In the course of work, situations arise when a new person is included in the founders, that is, the person who bought the shares of the company becomes one of its owners. According to the Labor Code, all labor relations must be formalized in the form of an employment contract. This rule applies to founders as well.

Step 1
Before approving a person as a founder, hold a meeting of the Society's members. All owners of the company (shareholders) must take part in it. The chairman of the meeting is elected, who must draw up the result in the form of a protocol and sign it. It is this person who will continue to sign an agreement with the new founder of the organization.
Step 2
In the event that the founder is alone, he signs an employment contract both on the one hand and on the other. Remember that according to Russian law, an employment contract for each member of the company must be drawn up, otherwise it would be a violation of Russian law.
Step 3
When drawing up an employment contract with a founder, be sure to write down all the conditions and obligations that are established by the Labor and Civil Codes, that is, include the conditions for wages, working hours, rest time, guarantees and benefits, duties and rights.
Step 4
In the process of concluding a legal document, the question may arise: what to write at the beginning of the contract, which persons to indicate. If there is only one founder, you can indicate him both on the one hand and on the other. In the case of several members of the Society, the chairman of the meeting can act as an employer, and the wording of the position will sound like this: “Ivanov II represented by the chairman of the meeting ….
Step 5
In the contract with the founder, it is very important to prescribe the duties that he must perform, for example, to lead and monitor the work of personnel. The contract on the part of the employer can be signed by both the founder and the head of the personnel department.
Step 6
For the founder, as well as for any employee, upon employment, issue a personal card and form a personal file. Based on the protocol, fill out an order for employment and enter the information in the work book.