A social tenancy agreement is an agreement by which the owner of a dwelling, namely the state or a municipality, transfers it for permanent use to citizens who need to improve their living conditions.

Step 1
In order to enter into a social tenancy agreement, you must contact the housing office of the county office of the Department of Housing Policy and Housing in your area. In this case, the following package of documents must be submitted: - a statement of the desire to conclude an agreement;
- applicant's passport;
- passports of all family members and their copies (for citizens under 14 years of age, birth certificates);
- certificate of the conclusion (or dissolution) of marriage (in the event that the spouse will act as a party to the agreement);
- certificates that confirm family ties (in the event that other relatives are parties to the contract);
- documents confirming the grounds for moving into a dwelling: an order (a copy of the premises, the social tenancy agreement itself, an extract from the house book with full information about the citizens living in the dwelling;
- other documents that contain information about the circumstances that gave rise to the appeal.
Step 2
The department employees will check the submitted documents (their completeness and compliance with the legislation), after which they will register them in a special book. Then the applicant is issued an extract with a note on the date of receipt of the application. In case of incompleteness of the submitted documents or their inconsistency with the law, the issue of the possibility of concluding a social rental agreement is decided by the district housing commission.
Step 3
A social employment contract is concluded in writing for an indefinite period and is signed by the parties. In the event of the death of the employer, any legally capable family member may take his place in the contract. Also, with the consent of all other family members, any of its capable members may demand recognition as an employer instead of the previous one.
Step 4
A social employment contract, like any other contract, can be terminated at any time by mutual agreement of the parties. In this case, the tenant's desire to terminate the contract must be confirmed in writing by his family members who live with him in the same living space. The contract is considered terminated from the date of departure of the tenant and his family members from the dwelling they occupy.