The CEO is the first person in the company. In comparison with the registration of an employment contract with ordinary employees, hiring for the position of a manager has several distinctive features. The sole executive body is an elected person. He is appointed by the minutes of the constituent assembly, and one of the members of the organization has the right to sign an agreement with the director.

It is necessary
- - labor legislation;
- - standard employment contract;
- - staffing table;
- - company documents;
- - seal of the organization;
- - director's documents;
- - minutes of the constituent assembly (decision of the sole participant);
- - order form (form T-1);
- - application form (form р14001).
Step 1
Applications with a request for employment from the future CEO are not required, which is regulated by the current legislation. If the company has several founders, the head is appointed by the decision of the constituent assembly. The minutes must contain the agenda, the name of the organization, the personal data of the first person of the company. The document is dated, numbered. The protocol is signed by the chairman and secretary of the board of participants (indicating their names, initials).
Step 2
When the organization has one founder, the director is appointed by the sole decision of the sole participant. The document is certified by the signature of the owner of the company, dated, numbered.
Step 3
The minutes of the constituent assembly serves as the basis for drawing up an employment contract with the general director. The document spells out the responsibilities and rights of each of the parties.
Step 4
The salary for the head is set in accordance with the approved staffing table. If the members of the company decide to change payments (increase or decrease), then an additional agreement is drawn up to the agreement with the director (signed by the chairman of the constituent assembly or the sole participant).
Step 5
The contract is concluded with the sole executive body for a specified period. Its period can be from one to five years. The conditions for hiring a manager must be specified in the constituent documents.
Step 6
The right to sign an employment contract, as a rule, on the part of the employer has one of the participants in the organization (the protocol should appoint the person responsible for signing the contract with the director), on the part of the employee being hired - the general director accepted for the position.
Step 7
When the contract is signed by the parties who entered into it, the director issues an order to take office. The document is signed by the head, numbered, dated. In the line of acquaintance, the signature of the General Director is affixed.
Step 8
The manager is responsible for the entire organization, so the director draws up a statement (using the p14001 form) about the ability to act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney. A completed document is submitted to the tax authority, where the corresponding changes are made to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.