How To Draw Up An Employment Contract With A Part-time Job

How To Draw Up An Employment Contract With A Part-time Job
How To Draw Up An Employment Contract With A Part-time Job

Table of contents:


Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 have the right to conclude an employment contract for a part-time job. You can combine no more than three positions both within one and at several enterprises. At the same time, the part-time job should not violate the work schedule at the main place of work.

How to draw up an employment contract with a part-time job
How to draw up an employment contract with a part-time job


Step 1

Execute an employment contract with a part-time employee on the basis of the general rules for drawing up labor agreements, since there is no approved form for it. Indicate in the head of the document the number of the employment contract, the place and date of its preparation. Next, list the parties who enter into the contract. Regardless of the current form of ownership of the enterprise, its party is represented by the head authorized to draw up such documents. The employee's side is the person who recruits part-time jobs.

Step 2

Reflect in the paragraphs "General Provisions" and "Subject of the Agreement" that the employee is registered for a part-time job. Determine in which department (workshop, structural unit, etc.) and in what position he will work. Be sure to specify in this part of the contract the term of its conclusion: definite or indefinite. Set the date from which the employee will start working, and in case of a fixed-term contract, indicate the date of its termination.

Step 3

Note the rights and obligations of the employer and employee in the relevant parts of the contract. Describe in the "Rights and Responsibilities" what the employee and employer must observe, how they can interact with each other, what to claim, etc.

Step 4

Include parts such as "Working hours" and "Rest hours" in the part-time employment contract. Indicate in the "Working hours" the length of the working week and working day, then schedule weekends and holidays in the appropriate section. Specify the terms of remuneration, indicating the composition of the employee's salary, the size of the official salary or the tariff rate.

Step 5

Sign the contract by both parties and seal the organization. On the copy of the employer's contract, the employee being hired must leave a note that he received his copy of the contract.
