The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for such a guarantee of the employee's rights as the payment of monetary compensation for unused days of the main or additional vacation. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that compensation for unused vacation days and replacing part of the vacation with a cash payment are different concepts. The first is applied when an employee is dismissed, regardless of the number of unused days and the reasons for dismissal, and the second is applied in an existing labor relationship.

calculator; - a sheet of paper and a pen; - time sheet; - production calendar
Step 1
An employee is entitled to monetary compensation for unused vacation only if he has the necessary work experience for this. Calculate this length of service by including the actual work time; vacation time without pay (no more than 14 days in a row), etc.
Step 2
When calculating the number of unused vacation days for compensation purposes, exclude days that are less than half a month, and periods longer than half a month, round up to a whole month. Moreover, take into account not the calendar, but the working month, that is, actually worked. An employee may have several unused vacations or parts of them. Calculate the unused days for each vacation and add them up.
Step 3
The number of days of unused vacation, calculate using the formula: 28 days / 12 months. Moreover, take into account 12 not calendar, but actually worked months. In this example, it turns out that compensation is provided at the rate of 2.33 days per month. Please note that each employee has a different number of vacation days and months worked. Round off fractional days only in favor of the employee. Those working under an employment contract concluded for a period of up to two months, upon dismissal, are paid compensation for unused vacation at the rate of two working days per month of work.